7am, Mt Holdsworth MastertoN 2023

My first wet Jumbo-Holdsworth. Bound to happen at some point. Normally sweltering heat. It started damp, and pretty much stayed that way. Of course if you shoot sport you need to be prepared for this.

The iconic starting canon and the blokes that look after it. Top effort with the umbrella. Did the job, it fired at the right time.

The starts; 8am 24km Jumbo Holdsworth both ways, 9am 10km Hooper Looper.

Spectators, braved the weather to support their favourite runners.

Andrew let's me roam around. No sitting at the finishing line "machine gunning" all that cross the line. Sorry that means I don't get photos of everyone, but hopefully you get images that create a memory of the race from around the lower reaches of the course.

At this point doesn't matter if you're even wetter. Always good finishing photos through the river.

And the Jumbo Organisers, a family affair.

Thanks to Andrew, you get photos from me.

Enjoy Jumbo 2024, another sell out field. See you there.